Get synced on the latest issues in production: videography, cameras, audio and "the lifestyle"

About Sync Issues

Welcome to Sync Issues, the leading authority on video production disasters, live event mishaps, and post-production existential crises. Our mission? To bring you the most cutting-edge, in-depth, and completely unnecessary analysis of the production world's most pressing issues—like why your client still asks for "the RAWs" from a live stream, and why timecode sync will never, ever work when it matters.

Who We Are

The Sync Issues Editorial Team is a highly trained group of over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived professionals who have spent decades in the trenches of broadcast, filmmaking, and live production. Our diverse staff includes:

  • Skyler Brandwell, Editor-in-Chief – Former broadcast engineer turned media philosopher. Once tried to explain frame rates to a client and hasn't been the same since.
  • Jaxson Filterlord, Senior Gear Analyst – Owns at least nine identical tripods but still complains about not having the right one.
  • Aspen Hashtag, Social Media Director – Specializes in posting dramatic production photos with captions like "Show ready in 10" while the crew is still taping down cables.
  • Nigel Renderstein, Post-Production Specialist – Spends more time renaming Premiere Pro sequences than actually editing.
  • Dirk Contentmax, Business & Monetization Expert – Just here to talk about "brand synergy" and suggest we do a podcast.

What We Cover

At Sync Issues, we believe the production world is full of stories that deserve to be told—often with a heavy dose of sarcasm, skepticism, and unnecessary technical detail. Our coverage includes:

  • Gear & Equipment – Do you need a $15,000 lens to film a Zoom call? We investigate.
  • Live Production & Broadcast – Tales from the frontlines of events that definitely weren't ready for doors.
  • Post-Production – The art of turning whatever happened into something usable.
  • Audio – The department that gets blamed for everything, even when it's not their fault.
  • Lighting – Are we lighting a stage or summoning an ancient deity? A philosophical discussion.
  • Industry Trends – Because your boss told you to "keep up with AI workflows" even though you just want WiFi that works.
  • Skill Building - Have imposter syndrome in a whole new area of expertise.

Why We Exist

Because production is chaos, and someone needs to document it. If you've ever wondered "why are we like this?", we're here to help you feel seen—or at least give you an article to share in Slack while waiting for yet another meeting that could have been an email.

Welcome to Sync Issues. If your feed is out of sync, it's probably a setting you'll never find.

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